18 March 2011

Near Blind experience

I did not know i was so freaking scared when i was ALONE when it attacks me, it happened 2 years ago - it was at home. Hubby was with me, i was able to reach my mum on the phone and my maid was massaging me on my wrist, i cried at that time and worried that i would get blind BUT i did not tremble. Yesterday my hands and legs are trembling and my heartbeat is super fast - till my hold body trembles, i never had this experience ever in my life. I was so emotionally exhausted. 

Before i saw the light on my vision, i had light headed experience, i already feel not well, but i ignore cos i thought i ate too much. After lunch i have this urge wanted to go home, but i was telling myself that i was just feeling lazy so i stayed. At 3pm+, light headed came in, after 15 min i saw 10 cent big light, it was hollow and surrounding it with rainbow colour, the circle grew bigger and bigger until i cannot see anything, regardless my eyes was opening wide nor closing, i can see the bright hollow circle surrounding by rainbow colour. I was terrified, i didn't know what to do, i called hubby and he promise me that he will be there to take me to the hospital, hence i waited, my heart feels calm alittle but still trembling. I call to my angels and GOD, i told them to calm me down and tell myself that i will not get blind. I press on my heart so hard because it was beating so fast that i could not control, I also tell myself to give love to my heart - calm myself pls. I ignore the bright rainbow light that i'm seeing, i concentrate on my love energy channeling to my heart - all these happened for 30-45min and the lights on my vision are gone. Just like two years ago it went off by itself. 

I'm glad but still feeling dizzy but i now see, without the hollow circle rainbow. What had happen yesterday made me realised that im very afraid that i would get blind, and im too very afraid that any part of my body is not well. Maybe it's a hint to me i really need to take care of my body - eat good food, rest enough and meditate to calm myself - remove negative energy, repair & seal my etheric body. I don't know what's wrong with me, doctor said it happens to anyone but i don't think so. I will find out later this afternoon with KW. I hope i will get something insightful and cure it, once and for all. God Bless me. 

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