05 April 2011


Ever since i believe in connectedness, my life has been so wonderful. Everything you want in life, most of the things people give it to you, unless you are searching for wisdom/ enlightenment thru meditation. I believe each person that i meet or talk to that day will bring me something that will help me in the future - be it big or small. 

I felt extremely happy because i'm able to connect one desperate friend who was looking for a job say 6 months ago? she sent the CV to my hotmail 6 months ago and today my manager asked if i have someone to intro to take up the education job role. This friend is so happy, i hope she get the job. I have been receiving and I feel extremely happy because today i can give! I receive so many wonderful respond from my friend who is able to connect me to some architect (3 contacts - i hope they are useful, lol), i visit a kindy today and it was kim's old classmate hence she gave good service to bring me around the kindy and do not mind my dad asking - how big is the class room, how big is this land etc. I'm very delighted that i meet familiar faces & good people when i need to collect information to achieve my goal. I am waiting to give more as I expect more that I will be receiving because I need ALOT of helping hands. universe. I'm ready. 

I like things around me to slow down a little, things are evolving so quickly now. Get rid of the headache 1st, i need more perseverance to get all the things sorted out. Do it right the First Time Please :)

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