21 April 2011

ben 18 months

1. Calling daddy clearly
2. Loves to play the violin, he will get the bow and play on the violin (with style)
3. Loves to act out - I'm a little tea pot & insey winsey spider (ask me to sing always)
4. Eating soft rice, pasta & adult food (when we are out eating)
5. Loves to do somersault (with mummy help)
6. Jump with both legs leaving the floor (super fast milestone)
7. Is a fast eater, unlike andrea is much much slower and is always hungry
8. Will ask me to lie down by patting on my pillow - ben wants to poke my belly to sleep
9.  Imitate EVERYTHING andrea does, Loves to play with my jewelry box, fixing his own bed (using the ikea hexagon key in daddy's drawer)
10. Pee in the potty in the afternoon at grandma house (according to grandma) - a few successful attempt

1Year 5 Months 3 Weeks old

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