17 July 2012


I have been struggling understanding the meaning of love when i attend my 1st shichida and nury course in 2007. Definition of love from wiki. After 5 years, I think i know the meaning but it may not be totally whole/ complete. My children definitely some star children (don't know which one), I'm exposed to many teaching method (spiritual i call it - right brain development) and now i'm on my 'road'  staying close to them. I definitely did not ask for it, all these just come my way, tried to push it away (career) but was defeated. Happy to have star children? Prepare for the bumpy road ahead to reap your rewards. Their energy is so high that if you are not conscious they might end up in the drain. it's a challenging journey. 

When i was earning close to 100K per year, I bought so many things for my children. I gave them the best of everything. I read books to them. excellent food. 100% attention (maid) - playing and activities. Bring them to experience the finest. all sorts of enrichment classes. sleep with me every night. I've done everything that I feel Love for them. I thought it was sufficient as most mum does this. However my journey is somewhat different, i need to go extra mile - understanding deeper of LOVE. 

Love is an energy. Have you felt the cosmic energy? The source energy? or the God's energy? or whatever name you called it - the strange feeling that you cannot see but can be felt? In spiritual, Bible, right brain education etc. Love is a form of energy. Positive energy. You need energy when you are awake - are they positive or negative? How GOD heal you? He uses love energy. Positive energy. Positive thoughts to heal the emotion/ Soul and positive action to heal the physical body. Love that is. Parents need Positive thoughts and actions to nurture their kids. It's tough, I've been thru it, all our past experience in life (childhood) had made this extremely hard for us to change. I'm on my healing journey  for the best of my star children. The baseline of course is for my own soul growth. 

3-4 weeks ago, i was on the course of cutting and clearing bloodline karma. For the best of my children, letting them free from family karmic tie. Yesterday my mum told me - Oh i also cannot take penicillin, my ears will be swollen and had allergic. How this came to me? the flow will come when you set intention for it, GOD/ universe will lead you. I thank God for this piece of information. You cannot clear any unknown (just like you go for doctor consultation), knowing allergic to penicillin, you can set intention to clear any emotions and blockages regarding to this. anyway, life is a messy spider web, sometimes you need to clear A,B,C,D,E to really cut off the bloodline karma or change the way you behave. Life is never a straight road from point A to B. If you get what I mean. Embrace it. God will lead your way. 

3 days to 1 month without a maid. I truly learn alot. I was busy for the 1st 2 weeks, tried to touch everything in the house, throwing blockages. sweat alot, physically was so tired, thanks to yoga for physical healing. 3rd week was better, can take some breather. sweat lesser. now in my 4th week. Life is bliss, i feel relieve as nothing much to do now. I can write blog and read like before. How can this be possible? I don't know, it could be my mental state or physical state is stronger now. I can do everything, in control without feeling burden or sweaty (excessively). Love is the energy. Positive thoughts. Positive action. for the growth of self. it will positively affect people around you especially your children. Thank You for the Love energy. 

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