15 May 2012

Make way for new energy

I've been clearing my space physically this week. Throw alot of stuff, donate alot of stuff ... as emotional matter concern - my diary touched me. I have just threw it in the bin. My Diary started in year 1999. I was 18 years old back then and stopped writing in that book in year 2002, age 21. The content are mostly love relationships, studies, quotes from SGM. I am now as I am today because I never pull myself down, whatever obstacles I have, i quote 'GOD' and boost my confidence in writing - this is the correct attitude i think. I always have a stand on my decision and for unfavorable things to happen I assure myself that GOD has another plan for me. lol ... sound childish I guess it works! hahaha ... 

Many puppy love relationship. It was all recorded in detailed. They were all my soul group. We learn from each other. It was painful at that time but looking at it now I know that is the learning for this life time. There are also unresolved painful experience, I guess ... anyhow the ultimate goal is the experience and learnings. There is one relationship where he always taught me something but never want to admit he likes me, always keep me close company. sometimes GOD just want to send someone like this to help you grow and feel safe without any commitment at that point of time. Thank you for all of you that have crossed my path. For whatever unresolved issue I pray that you are at peace with it for I have no intention to make you sad/ hurt for this lifetime. I need to cut all the energetic cords that we have formed 12 years ago. I ask archangel michael to dissolve the cords between you and me ... all my past lover ... Please grant it when you were asleep. This is the best I can do for you (and for me). Love and Peace from me *hugs*

For i have unintentionally cursed a few people. I release them now, I mark them as done and complete. Sitting on Hurting Officer star, many occasion i blurt out stuff that I do not mean it. Or I would say harmful stuff when I'm angry. I pray that jesus christ (i kept seeing green, maybe he is here) could help me release them now. Thank you.  

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