18 January 2012

Spiritual Lesson

I've Learn 2 lessons this month:

1. The Law of Request. I'm a well mannered person, simply because i have DO and DW in my day and month pillar. Hence I consider myself the above average 'fine' person. It gave me a shock when I read "A little Light on the Spiritual laws" by Diana Cooper. All the while, i thought my problem is that I am too compassionate, hence always get turn down by people who don't need my help. I do feel unhappy, hence I ask KW about it, he said I was being too compassionate and it's OK, people have their divine timing. Under the Law of Request: It is spiritual bad manners for me/gods/angels to interfere and it also stops the person from learning and becoming stronger. So here comes the law of request. Remember to request for help when you need it. 

2. As within, So without. I was struggling for a long long time. I find every fault on my maid because I find every fault in myself. I was so irritated because I cannot make decision for myself, it's not like cutting your hair, buying a new bag etc. It's in between of choices; bad options I have. Like JY said, option A: break your leg, option B: break your arm. I'm in this situation where I cannot send my maid back because I'm worried abt my kids, If my maid stays - all these will repeat itself again and again. Universe send SN to tell me to send my maid back but my material support will be gone and I still love my job. So how? It's in this nasty and messy karmic tie that I need to solve. Oh man ... Universe please support me. Pull me Thru please. My boy fell head down from the stairs yesterday night and I do not know where is the limit I shall stop as the controls are with my Mum and Hubs. I HATE it, Maybe I have to learn to be NOT in control , need to learn to go with the flow as the master are 2 of them. A strong DW person like me, it's REALLY HARD to let my steering wheel go OUT OF CONTROL!! sobs ... spiritual lesson. Universe please take care of me

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