16 March 2012

ben Mar12 Shichida

I'm bringing ben again this month :) After 6 month of not updating shichida progress for ben, i feel he has learnt alot of things.
1. Started to sing A-I-U-E-O song (more than half of the song)
2. follow bit by bit the good afternoon & Good Bye Song
3. Linking memory was very good (well depends on the card if he likes it) - can get 90% correct most of the time
4. able to draw lines for eye training on his own (abit crooked line but consider OK)
5. Can do energy ball and breathing on his own correctly
6. can circle the correct answer, cross still need to practise more
7. Can do easy maze (he grasp the concept of not bumping the "wall")
8. Can do 80% shichida worksheet on his own (sometimes still scribble)
9. Can understand which one is "more" and "less"
10. Can draw very nice Jelly Fish (not shichida, lol)

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