I was on the facial bed just now, many memories and feelings of gratitude arise. I'm grateful for given the opportunity to go for facial during office hour. I have signed up 2 packages thus far, today is the last appointment to finish off the package. Initially I was very stressed at work, due to Sales Leader pressure and also no support from Sales Leader. My stress level reduce tremendously after facial, I used to go weekly facial at 1 point of time and reduced when I started listening to Kelly MP3. People energy around me vibrates almost the same, although they do not work in IBM, they also have the privilege of working from home or have flexi hour. We may categorized to have 'easy' life .... I think I need to vibrate slightly different this time, as I wanted Lazy cum productive life. haha .... We shall see :)
Lying on the bed also makes me feel, God has been treating me really well. For all the bad experience and pressure I had, i always had ways to release it. Having a job that has absolute flexibility to care for my kids and also a job (citibank) that was highly appreciated by the head of department is my greatest joy in life. The moment could be short but at least I have experienced that. The only 1 thing I wanted - to become ppl mgr, God find many ways to tell me the story behind it and now I start to accept and here are what I received after my sound healing session:
1. Wanting (forcing) is yang energy. I'm a female, yin energy shall be more in my body, my action cause the disruption, hence unhappiness for myself. Yin energy is receiving, have I receive enough? Stop doing and planning for anything, it will come as this is female energy. Channeled by my sound healer.
2. My sister told me, women shall do women part and men shall do men part. I asked, what women shall do? Giving love to the kids and husband and people around her. What shall men do? Provide the needs for his family. I guess I have not doing my part well
3. "A woman got to take good care of herself and never let herself down then only she will be able to take good care of her man. A woman needs to realize "absence makes the heart fonder" and not make herself overly available for her man, a woman especially needs to treasure her very own social circle and get back to her man when he needs her." - Daisaku Ikeda. Was on my used to be youth leader FB status
Less than a week, God tried sending me hints and advise. I guess, right now I'm more readily to accept. This is a divine timing for me to upgrade my energy system, or shall I say shift. I now understand why ISIS energy is more suitable for me (less than 1 year, 'forced' to resign) and understand why my compassion heart, kuan yin has been dearly guiding and watching over me. I pray for the happiness of all humanity. Thank You.