21 April 2010

Shichida 2010 Term 1 update

We did not stop andrea from going to shichida, although i have a strong urge to do so. I was so frustrated that she does not want to concentrate in class & got everything wrong! Luckily hubby is patient enough, he bring andrea to class every weekend without miss & practice linking memory with her at home. Luckly i bought the linking memory set the other day when i felt that andrea is hopeless, this set helps her alot now & i can see hubby is always so proud of her when the class ended every week.

Here is what i heard from hubby about her improvement in class. She always has her ESP almost perfect some class were 100% correct, always finish ahead of her classmates (blocks, tracing, weekly different activities), confident enough to sing in front of her class & her speech is very clear, last but not least - linking memory is perfect (well of course, because we did home practice. However other kids were still struggling). Linking memory for 3 years old is to memorize 50 pictures, they have done this for 1 term, but i heard that they are still continue to use this for term 2.

Personally i felt that home environment is very important for the child. If they feel loved & secure at home, they can learn & absorb information very fast. I'm so sorry that I've hurt my girl last time, I hope she will continue to be a cheerful girl. I have also play alpha wave CD to her every night, her behavior seems to have improve after 2-3 months. She did not cry when i drop her off to school now, and did not cry when i pick her up (she sees me she will cry, i think she missed me alot at school last time), she did not cry when i ask her to take her nap, most importantly she score very well in schichida class. I'm very proud of her!

1 comment:

MieVee @ MummysReviews.com said...

Yes, have faith in your girl and her potential will shine! My 14-month old boy just started his first term with Shichida and we are enjoying the classes and home practice.