14 January 2010


Back to work is even more tiring than taking care of ben alone. It has been a week that i'm back to work and i'm feeling ill today. Andrea pass on the germs to me & she gotten it from her classmate. Fetching andrea to school and back from school is killing me, i thought i can take it, but today my body tells me that i cannot take it anymore. The stress that i have - afraid andrea will cry when im not around, picking her up late, not wanting to eat her lunch & me myself have got not enough of sleep.

Stress can be absorbed by many ppl at different level, but not for a geng metal day master. I'm a very good example. If you give me stress i cannot perform well, if you give me stress i will collapse physically, if you give me stress i will have mental disorder. Thruout my 28 years of life, i have helpful people around me to help me out until this year after i've delivered ben & andrea start going to school. Stress has been killing me. I'm melting.... The big strong axe is melting :(

My new maid is coming after CNY, i hope she can be helpful to me. fingers crossed x


MieVee @ MummysReviews.com said...

Take care and get well soon.
Hope you'd get a helpful domestic helper.


Joshua's mummy said...

u take care, dun stress to much ok. Get yr hubby to help out?