01 August 2009

Phonics Books

I've bought a wide variety of books for andrea. Just recently (2 weeks ago) i've saw Times book store has lady bird's Phonic books series, I bought 9 of them but they have 12 in that series, however the 1st three books were out of stock. This is the best phonics books so far that i've seen.

I have bought 2 other phonics books last time:
1. The Magic school bus series (from US - not very 'phonics', if you know what i mean) - 12 books in total
2. Local phonics books bought it from Toys R Us - 4 books in total

Those 2 andrea could 'read' or i would say memorize it, hence i've bought this lady bird series so that she won't feel bored & i find it really good. Just after 2 weeks andrea could 'read'/ memorize some of it. Phonics books are good because the sentence is short & each story is just a few pages. 

1 comment:

MeRy said...

So many story books...