13 September 2010

Love is the positive force of life

Many times i have heard of the word LOVE from shichida, glen doman, tweedle wink and some adult love books, to me love is that you give everything you can to the person you love. Easy peasy lemon squeesy, however i find it tough to maintain my LOVE when something not right hit me like year 2009 and 2010. How to show love when i kept being shot by the universe? UNTIL i found a book -> The Power by Rhonda Byrne. Well i would not say is an excellent book but it did lifted my spirit and tell me what i should do, the only part i did not like is that she ask me to make believe things, like if you do not have a job, daily pretend that you have a job - dress up, write email, talk to colleagues etc. I think i have not gone to that degree yet :s

What i learn about this look is:-
1. Love is giving, what you give you will get a return, it may not from the same person but the universe will return it to you. [this is the Chinese saying i learnt last time, karma. It appear in an english book. amazing]
2. Love is the greatest power in the universe to use to change yourself, subsequently the environment around you. You need to imagine and feel the love for the change, be it money, relationship or health. 
3. All you need to do is to tune your frequency to receive all these - LOVE. If you don't know how, show gratitude to everything surrounding you. say thank you to the song you like on radio, for a parking lot, everything. 
4. I need to have good feelings, all good feelings come from LOVE. Like the other blogger comment - i shall not write negative things. In this book, if we met with negative things, just turn away, no need to comment - just pretend you did not see it or hear it. Don't give them any feelings.
5. People who have great lives think and talk about what they love more than what they don't love
6. don't struggle to change the circumstances of your life. give love through your good feelings and what you want will appear. Like a glass of water which is not full, we add water = LOVE. [like SGI example of chanting daimoku = water to remove impurities/ dust in the glass] 
7. Every person is surrounded by a magnetic field. You attract everything through the magnetism of your field. Your feelings determine whether your field is positive or negative at any time.
8. To lighten up about bad feelings, imagine bad feelings as wild horses you climb on. If you climbed on them you can climb off them as fast as you jumped on to it.
9. When you see the things you want, you are on the same frequency as those things, hence be as excited as someone has something that you want. If you feel love for it, you are bringing the same thing to you
10. Imagine it. Feel it. Receive it.

after reading this, all in sync now - shichida, SGI, universe energy (qi gong & reiki) and Bazi. 

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