17 September 2010


I used to be impatient until year 2010 where i had a turning point in life.i learnt how to love and to live better by using the universe energy = LOVE force. I am grateful for everything happen that makes me realize the ultimate secret in life because i have been trying to put all the pieces together, trying to see the big picture but i can't until in the month of September 2010 - it's a magic, all broken pieces i kept in my pocket fixed themselves for me to see the real WORLD. I'm so happy and want to share it with all the people i love, but i don't know where to start because everyone's experience is different and i picked up the pieces from various religion - SGI, Buddhist, christian, bazi, reiki, shichida, books and science about universe. I cannot thank you enough Rhonda Bryane for her book - The Power, it does magic to my life. Thank You

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