07 September 2010

ben 10 months milestone

1. Open his mouth wide (really wide, stretched) and say "ahhh". All of us find it funny and dunno where he learn that from.
2. Good at signing now, when we ask him to do it, he will show us - bye bye and sleep. However don't want to sign milk. He will put his face on your face when you say "sayang"
3. likes to imitate his sister. When sister shout at him, he will shout back. when sister take blanket cover herself, he will follow. when sister pretend to fall, he will follow. when sister crawl away, he will follow too.
4. Just yesterday i saw him take 2 steps (walking!) while both hand holding a card. AMAZING!
5. Finish all the milk that i gave, occasionally left 1oz. I'm feeding 4-5oz per feed
6. Like a glue sticking to me, scream if cannot see me
7. Can throw a ping pong ball (he will laugh extremely loud)
8. Likes to look at you and give you a smile, like a romeo, hahaha. Always give me this look, don't know why
9. start opening ALL drawers, from room to kitchen to living room (we use masking tape to stick all the drawers, it's very ugly but luckily no one visit me)
10. Went to the doctor 2 days ago - weight = 7.4kg, height = 70cm, head = 44cm (all below average, aiyooo, nvmla, handsome can liao)

10 months 1 week 4 days old

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