27 February 2009


Recently i have bought a complete set of phonics books, 4 books in total. Words are short & easy to read. After reading to Andrea 2 days, she could memorise most of the words that is coming next. My intention is to train her to recognise words, i do not know why she prefer memorising it than "reading" the words on the book.

The book cost Rm5.90 each & it has grammar mistake! When i carefully read the author again, it says she's got her degree or something in US but the book is written and printed in Malaysia! How awful... There is particularly one book that is awfully non-acceptable. I kept it, will throw it away later. This is not the 1st case, the lady bird book (level 1), i bought one set, comes in six books. That one LADY BIRD also has grammar mistake! What is happening... Only one of the book"The enormous turnip", my mum was like .. hm... is this really from the UK? It's really hard to get good books without grammar error these days....

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