23 October 2008


Andrea is very interactive now, I went and pick her up at 6pm yesterday at mum house. She has taken her dinner & bathe. Here are some example yesterday:
(a) when i arrive, i say "Hello Andrea, how are you", then walk towards her
Andrea: "Hi", Point to the drawer " Hair Band". Yes she can say very clearly. I carry her and she took it out herself and put the hair band on her head.

(b) Went to the kitchen to check if there is anything to eat, while emelyn packing stuff to bring home. I took out a yakult and drink
Andrea: 'mum mum', i say "yes, i'm drinking yakuly", andrea keep pointing at my drink, i drank 3/4 and gave her 1/4. I ask "andrea, nice or not", Andrea: "nice" Yes, very clearly

(c) Test andrea if she can remember our names. Who is xx (daddy name). andrea: "Dada". I tested for myself, dad, mum & two sisters. She knows it all! Weird enough, andrea loves to call her daddy "dada" but call others correctly & clearly - Mummy, yiyi, gong gong, mama, amy (auntie or ty)

Back at Home:
(d) I read books for her, her favourite character are pigs, dog, eli (elephant), coco (crocodile), cow. When i read the book who has either of the character she will point and say none stop .. eg "there, coco". She also will say "pig, haha" (the pig laugh at the wolf)

(e) Took flash card and flash to her, she refuse to look at it. Then i put it on the bed. Andrea went and pick up the cards and put it on the table. she says "Keep" while holding the card

(f) I sing her favourite song, she say "Again" when i finish singing! This is a new word which she have not say to me!

1 comment:

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Andrea is very intelligent. She can say and understand a lot of words now.
My girl cant even recognise who is her mommy, sigh!