22 October 2010

Direct Wealth Profile

My sister bought the whole set of JY books recently, hence i borrow a few from her that relates to my own chart. Despite completed all JY modules on bazi, i always found useful information from his books, articles or talks, this is a never ending knowledge and can be seen in so many perspective. 

According to JY bazi profiling, my main profile is Direct Wealth. I don't know how he came about this and the structures in his profiling software also different from what we learnt. Anyway, for classic structure I'm a direct wealth structure person, so I've picked this book. To my horror, 80% of it is very true:

1.DW Profile have no respect for people who shirk responsibility or are simply too lazy to do what they have to do - be it a work assignment or relationship. Well, I feel bad after reading this because i have treated these people badly when i feel they don't do what they have to do - hubby, sisters, parents and colleague. I have to train myself by not giving any feelings if i see people doing this, in any cases, do it myself when it's urgent.

2.DW Profile are actually very idealistic beings - Perfectionist. They place high importance on rules, principles and structures because they always believe that there's a better way to do things. Well, this one I've realized long time ago, hence now i only perfect myself instead of others. However, once in a blue moon I still pick on my husband! Poor boy.

3.DW Profile are Yins, and they don't necessarily always feel comfortable around people because it leads them to constant comparison and dissatisfaction. As such, they tend to spend a lot of time on their own. HOW TRUE! Anyway, after reading the book 'The Power" i have started to change how i feel when inevitably feel that I'm comparing or feel dissatisfied over a small thing/ or sometimes big thing in life. I always remind myself, i have all the good things in life, i just do not know why i have this trait of comparing and dissatisfaction. Now i know who is the culprit! Will use the power of LOVE to overcome this. 

4.Negative side, when it becomes unhealthy (negative) - Opinionated, Irritable, and Sarcastic. I often see myself doing this when feeling stressful. All these while i thought I'm sitting on Hurting Officer that's why i behave like that, now only i know DW also contributed these feelings. I always remind myself - never tap to Negative frequency. Feel Calm, Feel Love

5. Facts - which creates undue pressure on hubby who may not be as principled:
DW profile sacrifice are typically different from everyone else. Most people are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their friends or relationship, but for DW profile person, it's not just a personal matter - it's a principle. And a principle adheres to a greater good, they don't just make big sacrifices for the sake of people involve, but to adhere to the tradition of meaningful ethics and values. However, it's precisely this trait that makes them responsible, committed, and reliable partners and friends. 

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