02 March 2013

Root Canal

dooms day is here! Yeah, that's what I'm feeling prior to this surgery. I had prolonged tooth sensitivity early january, had the 1st checkup by endodontist Dr Tan on the 17th January 2013. He said that these pain will only be increased and it will not go away until I do something with it. He was the second doctor say "may the god bless you" when I refuse to do it immediately. The 1st doctor was Dr. Low at Jaya dental. I hate it, because they sounded they know what is gonna happen and dictate the worst will only happen to me. Moreover I was scared to death for the thought of removing the nerve of my teeth. I actually opt to remove the tooth but hubby and my dentist friend advise me not to extract unless it's necessary. 

I have long chat with my dentist friend who is now living in melbourne. She advise me on how to reduce the sensitivity. Advise me to do it early because abscess formed. Told me that stress is the culprit etc. She gave me alot of peace in mind. I ordered a dental holistic book - Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel. I have not started reading but already done my Root Canal on the 21st Feb 2013. I know the dangerous toxic mercury and know having more damage on my tooth is not good, but I need to weigh which is more important. 1. I have tried oil pulling before I bought this book, but sensitivity remains. 2. Hubby going for company trip, I cannot risk the pain when I'm alone with the kids. Hence, I decided to do it, although i know it's bad for my health or I need to suffer later on in my life due to this root canal :( My second appointment on 14 mar and third on 8apr. 

I was so scared, I chant 3 days before the surgery. I hold nefertum in my hands when the dr. was doing my tooth. The dr was afraid to see that I'm so afraid, hence asked me to eat ponstan on top of the already injected anesthetic. All went well, today is the 14th day, thank god i'm still living in peace. This doctor was my childhood doctor, although my dad does not like him but i feel sense of comfort because I 'knew' him, from young, I guess. Maybe he does not say "god bless me" to me. I pray very hard - I'm very worried and scared when something goes wrong with my teeth, since young. I have phobia :( 

I'm reading the holistic dental book, good read. I guess, you need to be consistent to really heal your teeth. I have ordered the cod liver oil and will be arriving tomorrow I guess, it's at HK now. If not will get it next monday. It's for emergency case as it is so very expensive! I pray that more healthcare person would be awaken to holistic healing, please do not do harm to human body when it is not absolutely necessary. We are brothers and sisters, we are one. We come to you for consultation is not asking you for more drugs but to get comfort from you, hoping that you could help us. We are not here to give you more problem or trying to eat up all your time. What goes around comes around. End this vicious cycle. If the money is yours, it would come in many form other than drilling or surgery or medication (antibiotic, etc that harms our liver and immune system). 

I pray for a more loving earth, for the happiness of all humanity. So it is. 

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