Things has been quite messy the last week, i was feeling very uncomfortable, alot of unknown energies, seeing scary pictures in my head (running for life), overall emotionally not very stable (plus the sky is so gloomy and cloudy the whole week). I asked my healer secretly thru whatssap "is the world going to end physically? I have this strange feeling" He said "No WAY! don't worry the world is not going to end" As me being me, not satisfied with his answer, I really feel it and believe it's going to end (at that moment). Few days later, Elizabeth peru posted something on pluto going direct where all human beings on earth is releasing fears and others (can't remember). Ahhh .. now I understand, maybe in past life, I've gone thru something like tsunami where I couldn't escape and died there, now it's surfacing for me to release :) phew ...
Last 2 days, the sky still gloomy but I feel the sense of lightness, i felt happier, I don't know whats happening again, but since it's a happy feeling I let it continue. The next day the sky is clear, very clear and sun is out oh so brightly, it has been such a long long time. At night I saw 1 star, I asked hubby can you see that star? is that a star, hubby looked and say, cannot be only 1 star in the sky, maybe it's a plane. I said it's not moving!! He said nolah, not stars. Deep inside my heart i know it's a star from sirius, it's telling me something, I kept quiet just knowing. The same night my boy has weird dreams, waking up calling grandpa which is the 1st time happening, saying where is grandpa then in the morning telling hubby the owl took grandpa away or something. He was cranky the whole day and I didn't know what happen until hubby told me that the grandpa became the owl or the owl took grandpa away. oh dear, i was scared initially, but remember the star of sirius, i hold benjamin's hand and say prayer, send the owl to the light because it has frighten benjamin. I didn't feel anything weird so I'm not that worry but sending the owl away for the time being is good, but what is the story lies deep in there?
The universe still sending people (random) for me to practice talking in layman's term. The universe has been very gentle to me, sending people one by one for me to practice, talk about life, always I feel I do not have the layman words to address their problem or needs. Also when people tells me one thing, i would try to paint the whole picture for them as I do not want them to miss anything on the big picture, where I know I don't have to do that, a small piece of jig saw puzzle is enough for those that have not seek, when they talk to more people the small piece of jig saw puzzle would give them the whole picture. BUT when I see their innocent eyes, I want to give it all to them. I need to remind myself, giving is one thing, but how much they can digest is another, Bit by Bit is the reminder to myself.
I have posted this on FB the other day when I was feeling uncomfortable:
2 yrs ago (coming to 3), anonymous (my senses told me it's one of my relative) left a judgmental comment on my blog. The whole situation (not just the comment) has shifted me to another place, I'm grateful this had happened. To this anonymous, never be shy to reveal yourself when you want to give opinion. We are all here walking each other home, back to the Source. Namaste
Paste here just in case the anonymous is not in my FB. lol ... yeah I always have doubt when i dwell deeper, that is why always take your answer for your 1st instinct :) whatever, i just feel like pasting it here. Good Morning!