04 August 2010

Screaming Baby

Benjamin loves to scream .. just like his sister. When it started? one fine day (last 2 weeks), andrea shout once, ben followed, andrea shouted another time, ben followed. Andrea says: "ben, don't follow me". Andrea shout again, ben followed... Mummy sit and watch both shouting babies! Many times ben will scream when he is excited, agitated & when i left him alone. Many times i will say: "ben, that's very noisy", at times i will just laugh when he does that. I don't know if i still able to enjoy these development moment after i have start working.

Ben likes to SLIDE [crawling but hand holding on something to slide], he will use his wooden shape puzzle to slide, one hand each. It made me laugh ALWAYS. Sometimes he will use andrea's chopping board to slide. Once i saw him using andrea's pillow.

Ben is able to stand without holding on anything, when he wobble, many times he won't fall. When he holds my hand walking, i can feel that he can walk very soon, as he does not need me to hold him very firmly now, he only uses my hand to support if he stumble. However, he is not confident when i ask him to take only 1 step without holding me or any object. The best he can do? Hold on a table, turn 90 degrees to me, let of of hands from table, hands and leg simultaneously hold on to me.

currently his upper 2 incisor is sprouting, he doesn't seems to have any appetite, drink less & cannot finish his porridge now. almost a week now. poor boy

9 months, 1 week, 1 day

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