13 September 2009

I feel so heavy

These few days, even i stand i need to hold on something to help me get up. Despite my not very favourable weight gain, thus far i have increased 6 kg at month 8, still i need this support & feel very tired even when only stand for 5 min. I no longer could carry andrea for long, hold heavy groceries bags & lie on the floor. 

What's different from previous pregnancy:
1. do not have to do housework but now need to read & sing to andrea for hours
2. now still need to drive and pump my own petrol at month 7-9, andrea needs some entertainment sometimes during Saturday. I'm afraid i can't do it when my legs cannot take the pressure
3. Cannot go out to have my favourite food as much as i can, due to H1N1. Hope my boy will not be a picky eater next time. Andrea started to show favourism towards the food i like to eat during pregnancy, such as japanese food, dine in Fridays/ Chillies, Pizza etc
4. No preparation thus far for the delivery, did not buy anything & have not think of where to put my confinement lady. No room for her as my maid has already occupy the maid's room. Most probably sleep with me, dunno OK or not.
5. Play alot of facebook game this pregnancy instead of reading, hope there are no bad influence to the baby

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