22 November 2010

Rob Wealth Profile

1. They are charismatic, captivating types who inspire, persuade and motivate people to rally around them and is very effective and personable leaders. They desires togetherness and bring together communities. They will connect with people at an emotional level where they can influence and inspire others to do certain things and take action. They are the one who create opportunities and are off and running to capitalize on it. They are tough, no-nonsense go-getters, strong ambition (don't like to lose), drive to succeed and risk taker in trading. Healthy RW can parlay this strength into wealth attainment. 

2. Manipulative and devious - put other people in place in order for them to get what they want (gain admirers and making acquaintances). RW profiles are adept at putting on masks and facades to behave differently around different people (sometimes cannot manage own changing feelings). Their emotions are meant for external audience, all about external world - put on a show.  However they don't tend to do this consciously as it is more of a subconscious manifestation. They are capable of withholding certain information and facts from others because they have an irrational fear that they will be pushed aside. 

3. Extreme in terms of love and hate. Confuse. Is deeply conflicting on the inside because of many different masks they wear, their selfhood is not in one whole piece, they might not know which piece goes where, and how all the pieces fit in place and fall together. The need to be wanted. The deep desire to be wanted, respected and adored for who they are. They need audience. They will not show that they need love and attention. In fact, they maintain a brazen, confident facade while crying out for love from the inside. Value freedom and hates dependency, but at the same time needs people for love and affection

4. Resilient. Is extremely adaptable to harsh situations, simply altering their game plan and continuing along on their merry way. Quick. They have quick reflexes and are able to pick up things very quickly. They think on their feet and respond fast. Proactive. They go out and make their own opportunities and possess great amounts of drive and initiative. Inspirational. They are very moving and encouraging, they like to speak to people's hearts. Entertaining. Enjoys a good laugh and life of the party. Loyal. Likes to have a group of friends at their side, may put friends ahead of partner/ spouse. 

5. Envious. They are so focused on success, they don't pay as much attention to an internal barometer as much as they do to an external one, even if their paths are entirely different. Covert. they have hidden agenda (pretty harmless) that they don't want others to know of. They never lay it all out on a table. Stubborn. Extravagant. Often troubled by money issues, they can't ever seem to manage it. Argumentative. Stubborn or simply want to be acknowledged that they are right. Smooth-talker. Evasive. Avoiding talk about feelings and problems while in relationships. Insecure. Afraid of losing their friends - audience. 

6. RW profile under pressure. Aggressive. become quite violent or be very belligerent in manner and will not step aside without a loud argument. Sensitive. they often crafted a false sense of self based on illusions of grandeur, if they feel this sense of self is about to be threatened, they can become extremely sensitive and prickly. Ruthless. They can resort to unconventional means to achieve their own goals, possibly at the expense of others. 

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