26 April 2010


Ben is way ahead of his crawling milestone, that makes me alittle worry if this is normal. Tomorrow he will be full six months but he already did cross-crawling. According to GD method that i have attended few years back by Dr. Laila, all children must go thru physical milestone in order to tell the brain is developing properly, skipping milestone is not a good sign, although some parents are happy that their baby did not crawl & start walking instead, the impact will be seen when the child gets older. One of the physical milestone is crawling. All babies should crawl in this sequence 1.commando crawling 2.crawling on same side (left hand & left leg) 3.cross-crawling (left hand & right leg), then only can start walking. 

Andrea did the cross-crawling only when she was 8 months old, ben merely touch 6 months he already did this!! However he had 1 & 2 above for a very short while and did not do it all the time, he always wants to get on his knees and always did 'downward dog' pose which is very scary to look at. 2 above is very short (less than a week), after he learns to sit on his own unassisted (on his knees to sitting position on his own), he go straight to cross crawling. I notice he did the cross crawling on last friday. Oh BOY.. that's really FAST!

The only thing that i can think of to stimulate the brain is the brain supplement recommended by Shichida. I did not do flash cards or whatsoever or eat omega pills or do special exercise to ben (I am too too busy without a maid). So i just eat! haha .... Or it is inborn? I've no idea.. the brain supplement is actually concentration of fruits & vege. I don't know if this helps either. I just hope ben is normal.

Ben is down with flu & cough... the cough is getting bad... today is the 3rd day... if tonight he doesn't get any better, i would need to bring him to see dr. Poor Boy... now i just use the physio method to pat his lungs & vibrate. Hope his own body will fight over the virus & heal himself.

Want to add another thing, i fed him sweet potato & he had diarrhea. Poor Boy, Mummy is so sorry to make you sick. I fed him rice cereal for almost 2 weeks & was OK, Dr. even asked me to feed him porridge, chicken & fish... so i thought sweet potato is OK. I think Ben's internal organ is not mature enough to take sweet potato, so i guess i will wait for another 2 weeks to try again.

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