29 June 2009

Picky eater

Andrea has started to become superb picky in food. She refuse to take her lunch & dinner now. Me and my maid tried different recipe now to get her into eating but all failed. I don't know what to do with her, i've scolded her yesterday and she cried and cried. No one comfort her and she went and get her pillow and hug the pillow, then i asked her to come and eat and i sayang her, she still refused! Then hubby went and talk to her, we came into conclusion that we let her drink caprisone & she will eat half of what it's in the bowl. At last she ate half of it. How rebellious!


MeRy said...

Some kids are picky eater...try to cook different menu everyday.

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Lynn, may I know what is caprisone?

Lynn said...

Hi joanne, try.
In M'sia i think that was the spelling as they import dunno from where. I saw it selling at cold storage.

Sarah's Daddy and Mommy said...

Ok ok...thanks Lynn for the info.