26 October 2008

Productive Day

Yesterday was a busy day, however i have done 4 things out of 5. It was very smooth going ...

(a) brought andrea to her last Little Walkers Class. Chat with the teacher a little. Hope that i would see her again in the future. I will surely miss that class, dunno about andrea. I think she will miss her Sticker most!

(b) I had my facial done & it was not done by my favourite beautician. However she could fulfil my needs! So overall i'm satisfied! She cleared all the oil seeds & make it in time for me to have my hair cut at Shunji

(c) Had my hair cut with one of the master stylist at Shunji. I enjoyed my stay because the stylist is very sociable, i feel comfortable talking to him and he seems very skilled & friendly. although i'm not 100% happy with what i see yesterday (my hair results), but because of his knowledge and spend time on my hair cutting, i would give him 100%. Will try out a few times to make conclusion. Hubby is satisfied with his cut Too!

(d) Collect Pocoyo and Elly from Raveen at Jalan Gasing. Thanks so much to Simon my cousin who is currently working in the UK & his friend Raveen to bring it home for me. Andrea loves it So Much that she did not wake up in the middle of the night crying for milk. I heard her say Elly then fall back to sleep. Amazing!

(e) the last thing is, i didn't know Mastery Academy close on Saturday. I went up and it was close. Well, It doesn't cost much effort because it's just beside shunji, so it's alright. Will contact them again next week!

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