13 May 2008

Andrea wakes up in the middle of the night

Andrea seldom wakes up in the middle of the night. I have no idea what happened to her, she wakes up at 2am and only get back to sleep at 3.30am. I have made her milk & she can't fall back to sleep after the milk, she started to cry after that. I was very very sleepy and tired, luckly hubby is there to help to put her back to sleep.

early this morning, she grin at me when i got up from the bed. I gave her a hug and kiss then i go brush my teeth. Andrea seems okay and hopefully she won't be so cranky tonight.

Andrea had rashes on her neck since sunday, it had not got better. Mum said wait for a few more days before we bring her to see doctor. I have gotten a medication gel for bathing from chen chen. But it doesn't seems to help alot.

Andrea s able to say two vocals now but still couldn't made them up as words yet. She tried to take her 1st step on saturday, but wouldn't want to try another time till now.

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