September is a busy month, going back to chauffeuring the children. Andrea starts school, with her new myopilux lense. She had 2 accident in a week at school, it caused me so much emotional pain. (1) ms kit yee knocked her glasses while opening the staff room door (2) Alyssa accidentally turned her head and knocked andrea's face, it left a long deep scare on her face. Yes, the spectacle knock on the face. I was very worried the 1st week as she is still getting used to wearing her glasses whole day at school. We said prayer before getting off the car after the 2 accidents.
Second week was Term1 preview for Yr3&4, ms joanne told me about andrea's bad habit. Not putting both hands on the desk while writing, I told her that's new to me, I've never seen that at home. It triggers me of the desk and tables are not appropriate for her. The next day, Friday I took home Ikea urban chair to school. On weekends, daddy went to school and measure all Y1,2&3 chairs. It seems all are inappropriate based on BS EN 1729 Chair and Table Guide.
Yr1 measurement: Table height (60cm), Chair height
Yr2 measurement: Table height (61cm), Chair height
Yr3 measurement: Table height (76cm), Chair height
(46cm) - Dinning table & chair height
BS EN1729: height 119cm-142cm: Table height 59cm, Chair
height 35cm
On Monday, I made a fuss of asking the school to provide Yr2 table and Yr1 chair, it went to the principal ellis. She was a great help on Monday. On Tuesday, i decided to bring my own chair again because the table height and chair really does not match but principal insisted Yr2 table n chairs suitable for her - she gave her a pillow to put at the back.
Yr 2 Table & Chair |
Yr1 Table & Chair |
As a perfectionist, I couldn't accept. Firstly they do not follow standard guideline for primary school student. Secondly principal forced me to accept Yr2 table and chair which i feel the table is terribly high (1st photo). Thirdly, principal refuse to let me bring my own chair and threaten to ask the guard to watch over me so that i cannot go up the classroom. The emotional pain that I've got is very great. This principal is not professional in my opinion, she even asked me to buy the whole class ikea chair if I were to bring my own chair. Principal even put words in my mouth that I spread this news to other parents and gave her alot of problem and form teachers were not happy. For whatever it is, I asked archangel Michael to cut the etheric cord between me and her and also kingsley school. I needed peace badly and I know this is for greater good.
Week3 ended in disaster when principal indicated she could not help me, either I take Yr2 tables and chairs or I find other school. I've write in withdrawal letter on Tuesday (24sept - checked the calendar, it clashes with her bazi!), now scouting for new school. What an eventful September. Hope all is well.